Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Facts

I don't think anyone, even HP writers, has debased the English language with regards to fascism and anti-Semitism as much as Dear Melanie.

Basically, the anti-Semites are: 90% of people who read, work or report at the Guardian, the Indy and the BBC; most Arabs; most lefties; most academics and all Palestinians.

Fascists are: everyone who disagreed with the war on Iraq; anyone who recognises any virtue in the Palestinian cause whatsoever and most Muslims.

Everyone who disagrees with the above assessment is probably both.

An elaboration:

Anti-Semites are everywhere. The fact that people deny this either proves them to be anti-Semites, or ignorant saps, probably both.

The Jews are under threat of genocide in Israel. Israel is a legitimate state, which is populated by people who survived the Holocaust. Anyone who compares contemporary Israel policy to any other brutal historical epoch is trivializing the Holocaust and thus is both a fascist and an anti-Semite. The Palestinians are the same as the Nazis.

Anti-Semitism is increasing inexorably. It is flamed not by Israel's imperialism, but by media reports and left anti-Semitism. Israel has a right to defend its borders, the savages do not. The savages have forfeited this right by dint of their savagery. Islam is brutal. Tomahawk missiles are not.

The fascists we should be concerned about are not the BNP or David Duke, but the latent fascists who populate our universities, think tanks and media outlets.

Any Jew who denies the facts is a self-hater and a fascist.

I've shown myself to be anti-Semitic by writing this. By denying that I'm anti-Semitic, I thus prove that I am. By denying that denying I'm anti-Semitic proves I'm anti-Semitic, I'm proving myself to be a fascist.

Any questions?

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